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1. Urethra: Urinary Tube
2. Vagina
3. Prostate Gland: Secretion of Sperm & Fluids
4. Uterus (Womb)
5. External Hemorrhoid: External Piles
6. Internal Hemorrhoid: Internal Piles
7. Stroke: Apoplexy
8. Impotence
9. Hemorrhoid: Piles
10. Bladder
11. Diabetes
12. Appendix
13. Small Intestine
14. Large Intestine
15. Kidney
16. Kidney
17. Left Lower-Back Pain: Left Lumbar
18. Right Lower-Back Pain: Right Lumbar
19. Inflamed Colon: Colitis
20. Inflamed Gall Bladder: Cholecystitis
21. Peptic Ulcer: Gastric Ulcer (Duodenal)
22. Small Intestine: Duodenum
23. Chest Pain: Angina Pectoris
24. Chest Pain: Angina Pectoris
25. Haematemesis: Hematemesis
26. Rapid Heartbeat: Palpitation
27. Heart
28. Heart
29. Pancreas
30. Liver
31. Asthma
32. Right Lung
33. Right Shoulder: Right Scapula
34. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)
35. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)
36. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)
37. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)
38. Nocturnal Incontinence
39. Swelling: Bloated or Swollen
40. Rheumatism
41. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)
42. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)
43. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)
44. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)
45. Skin
46. Windpipe: Trachea
47. Windpipe: Trachea
48. Hypertension: High Blood Pressure
49. Hypotension: Low Blood Pressure
50. Enteric Fever: Typhoid Fever (Intestinal Disease)
51. Inflamed Intestine: Enteritis
52. Flu
53. Asthma
54. Right Brain Arteries: Right Cerebral Arteries
55. Right Brain Arteries: Right Cerebral Arteries
56. Right Brain Arteries: Right Cerebral Arteries
57. Right Brain Arteries: Right Cerebral Arteries
58. Right Ear
59. Hypotension: Low Blood Pressure
60. Hypertension: High Blood Pressure
61. Left Ear
62. Left Brain Arteries: Left Cerebral Arteries
63. Left Brain Arteries: Left Cerebral Arteries
64. Left Brain Arteries: Left Cerebral Arteries
65. Left Brain Arteries: Left Cerebral Arteries
66. Cough & Respiratory Distress: Pharynx
67. Gullet: Esophagus
68. Cholesterol
69. Left Lung
70. Liver
71. Gallstone
72. Left Shoulder: Left Scapula
73. Gall Bladder
74. Lymph: White Blood Cells Fluid
75. Breast Tumor
76. Cough & Respiratory Distress: Pharynx
77. Cough & Respiratory Distress: Pharynx
78. Cough & Respiratory Distress: Pharynx
79. Thyroid Gland: Part of Endocrine System
80. Insomnia
81. Fatigue
82. Bronchitis
1. 尿道: 尿管
2. 阴道
3. 前列腺: 精液与液体分泌
4. 子宫
5. 外痔: 外部痔疮
6. 内痔: 内部痔疮
7. 中风: 脑卒中
8. 阳痿
9. 痔疮: 痔
10. 膀胱
11. 糖尿病
12. 阑尾
13. 小肠
14. 大肠
15. 肾脏
16. 肾脏
17. 左下背痛: 左腰部
18. 右下背痛: 右腰部
19. 炎症性结肠病: 结肠炎
20. 炎症性胆囊病: 胆囊炎
21. 消化性溃疡: 胃溃疡(十二指肠溃疡)
22. 小肠: 十二指肠
23. 胸痛: 心绞痛
24. 胸痛: 心绞痛
25. 呕血: 呕血
26. 心跳过快: 心悸
27. 心脏
28. 心脏
29. 胰腺
30. 肝脏
31. 哮喘
32. 右肺
33. 右肩: 右肩胛骨
34. 肾虚(阴虚)
35. 肾虚(阴虚)
36. 肾虚(阴虚)
37. 肾虚(阴虚)
38. 夜尿失禁
39. 肿胀: 腹胀或肿胀
40. 风湿病
41. 肾虚(阴虚)
42. 肾虚(阴虚)
43. 肾虚(阴虚)
44. 肾虚(阴虚)
45. 皮肤
46. 气管: 气管
47. 气管: 气管
48. 高血压: 高血压
49. 低血压: 低血压
50. 肠热病: 伤寒(肠道疾病)
51. 肠炎: 肠炎
52. 流感
53. 哮喘
54. 右脑动脉: 右脑动脉
55. 右脑动脉: 右脑动脉
56. 右脑动脉: 右脑动脉
57. 右脑动脉: 右脑动脉
58. 右耳
59. 低血压: 低血压
60. 高血压: 高血压
61. 左耳
62. 左脑动脉: 左脑动脉
63. 左脑动脉: 左脑动脉
64. 左脑动脉: 左脑动脉
65. 左脑动脉: 左脑动脉
66. 咳嗽与呼吸急促: 咽喉
67. 食道: 食道
68. 胆固醇
69. 左肺
70. 肝脏
71. 胆结石
72. 左肩: 左肩胛骨
73. 胆囊
74. 淋巴: 白细胞液体
75. 乳腺肿瘤
76. 咳嗽与呼吸急促: 咽喉
77. 咳嗽与呼吸急促: 咽喉
78. 咳嗽与呼吸急促: 咽喉
79. 甲状腺: 内分泌系统的一部分
80. 失眠
81. 疲劳
82. 支气管炎




1. Urethra: Urinary Tube

尿道: 尿道
Description: The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In males, it also serves as a passage for sperm.
说明: 尿道是将尿液从膀胱输送到体外的管道。对于男性而言,它还作为精子的通道。

2. Vagina

Description: The vagina is a muscular tube connecting the external genitals to the uterus, serving as the birth canal and a passage for menstrual flow.
说明: 阴道是连接外生殖器和子宫的肌肉管道,作为分娩通道及月经流出的通道。

3. Prostate Gland: Secretion of Sperm & Fluids

前列腺: 精液和液体的分泌
Description: The prostate gland produces seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. It plays a crucial role in male reproductive health.
说明: 前列腺产生滋养和运输精子的液体,对男性生殖健康至关重要。

4. Uterus (Womb)

Description: The uterus is a hollow, muscular organ where a fertilized egg implants and develops into a fetus during pregnancy.
说明: 子宫是一个空心的肌肉器官,受精卵在此着床并发育成胎儿。

5. External Hemorrhoid: External Piles

外痔: 外痔
Description: External hemorrhoids are swollen veins around the anus that cause pain, itching, and bleeding.
说明: 外痔是肛门周围的静脉肿胀,导致疼痛、瘙痒和出血。

6. Internal Hemorrhoid: Internal Piles

内痔: 内痔
Description: Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and can cause bleeding and discomfort, but are usually not painful.
说明: 内痔发生在直肠内部,可能引起出血和不适,但通常不疼痛。

7. Stroke: Apoplexy

中风: 中风
Description: A stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted, leading to brain damage and loss of function.
说明: 中风发生在大脑的某一部分血流中断,导致脑损伤和功能丧失。

8. Impotence

Description: Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity.
说明: 阳痿或勃起功能障碍是指无法获得或维持足够的勃起以满足满意的性活动。

9. Hemorrhoid: Piles

痔疮: 痔疮
Description: Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower rectum or anus, causing discomfort, itching, and bleeding.
说明: 痔疮是位于下直肠或肛门的静脉肿胀,导致不适、瘙痒和出血。

10. Bladder

Description: The bladder is a muscular sac that stores urine until it is expelled from the body.
说明: 膀胱是一个储存尿液的肌肉囊,直到尿液被排出体外。

11. Diabetes

Description: Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to the body's inability to produce or effectively use insulin.
说明: 糖尿病是一种慢性疾病,以高血糖水平为特征,原因是身体无法有效产生或使用胰岛素。

12. Appendix

Description: The appendix is a small, tube-like structure attached to the large intestine. It can become inflamed, leading to appendicitis.
说明: 阑尾是附着在大肠上的一个小管状结构。它可能发生炎症,导致阑尾炎。

13. Small Intestine

Description: The small intestine is a long, coiled tube where most digestion and nutrient absorption occurs.
说明: 小肠是一个长而弯曲的管道,大部分消化和营养吸收发生在这里。

14. Large Intestine

Description: The large intestine absorbs water from indigestible food matter and compacts waste into feces for elimination.
说明: 大肠从不可消化的食物残渣中吸收水分,并将废物压缩成粪便以便排出。

15. Kidney

Description: The kidneys filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood, producing urine. They also regulate electrolytes and blood pressure.
说明: 肾脏过滤血液中的废物和多余液体,产生尿液。同时调节电解质和血压。

16. Kidney

Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the critical role of kidneys in maintaining overall health.
说明: 重复提及,反映肾脏在维持整体健康中的关键作用。

17. Left Lower-Back Pain: Left Lumbar

左下腰痛: 左腰部
Description: Pain in the left lower back can be due to muscle strain, disc problems, or other musculoskeletal issues.
说明: 左下腰部的疼痛可能由于肌肉拉伤、椎间盘问题或其他肌肉骨骼问题引起。

18. Right Lower-Back Pain: Right Lumbar

右下腰痛: 右腰部
Description: Pain in the right lower back may result from similar causes as left lower back pain, including muscle strain or disc issues.
说明: 右下腰部的疼痛可能与左下腰痛的原因相似,包括肌肉拉伤或椎间盘问题。

19. Inflamed Colon: Colitis

结肠炎: 结肠炎
Description: Colitis is inflammation of the colon that can cause symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding.
说明: 结肠炎是结肠的炎症,可能引起腹痛、腹泻和直肠出血等症状。

20. Inflamed Gall Bladder: Cholecystitis

胆囊炎: 胆囊炎
Description: Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder, often due to gallstones, leading to pain and digestive issues.
说明: 胆囊炎是胆囊的炎症,通常由胆结石引起,导致疼痛和消化问题。

21. Peptic Ulcer: Gastric Ulcer (Duodenal)

消化性溃疡: 胃溃疡(十二指肠溃疡)
Description: Peptic ulcers are sores that develop on the lining of the stomach or duodenum, causing pain and discomfort.
说明: 消化性溃疡是在胃或十二指肠内膜上形成的溃疡,导致疼痛和不适。

22. Small Intestine: Duodenum

小肠: 十二指肠
Description: The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine, where initial digestion of food occurs after it leaves the stomach.
说明: 十二指肠是小肠的第一部分,在食物离开胃后进行初步消化。

23. Chest Pain: Angina Pectoris

胸痛: 心绞痛
Description: Angina pectoris is chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle, often a symptom of coronary artery disease.
说明: 心绞痛是由于心肌血流减少引起的胸痛,通常是冠状动脉疾病的症状。

24. Chest Pain: Angina Pectoris

胸痛: 心绞痛
Description: Repeated for emphasis, highlighting the need for attention to chest pain as a possible sign of heart disease.
说明: 重复提及,强调注意胸痛作为心脏病可能的信号的重要性。

25. Haematemesis: Hematemesis

呕血: 吐血
Description: Hematemesis is the vomiting of blood, which can indicate severe gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcers.
说明: 吐血是呕出血液,可能表明严重的胃肠道出血或溃疡。

26. Rapid Heartbeat: Palpitation

心跳加速: 心悸
Description: Palpitations are sensations of a rapid or irregular heartbeat, which may be caused by stress, caffeine, or heart conditions.
说明: 心悸是指感觉到心跳加速或不规律,可能由压力、咖啡因或心脏疾病引起。

27. Heart

Description: The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body, providing oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
说明: 心脏是一个肌肉器官,负责将血液泵送到全身,为组织提供氧气和营养。

28. Heart

Description: Repeated for emphasis on the importance of heart health and its role in overall bodily function.
说明: 重复提及,强调心脏健康及其在整体身体功能中的重要性。

29. Pancreas

Description: The pancreas is an organ that produces digestive enzymes and insulin, essential for regulating blood sugar levels.
说明: 胰腺是产生消化酶和胰岛素的器官,对调节血糖水平至关重要。

30. Liver

Description: The liver performs various functions, including detoxifying harmful substances, producing bile, and regulating metabolism.
说明: 肝脏执行多种功能,包括解毒有害物质、产生胆汁和调节新陈代谢。

31. Asthma

Description: Asthma is a respiratory condition characterized by airway inflammation and constriction, leading to difficulty breathing.
说明: 哮喘是一种呼吸系统疾病,特点是气道炎症和收缩,导致呼吸困难。

32. Right Lung

Description: The right lung is one of the two lungs, responsible for oxygenating blood and removing carbon dioxide.
说明: 右肺是两个肺中的一个,负责给血液提供氧气并去除二氧化碳。

33. Right Shoulder: Right Scapula

右肩: 右肩胛骨
Description: Pain or issues in the right shoulder or scapula can result from musculoskeletal problems or referred pain from other areas.
说明: 右肩或肩胛骨的疼痛可能由肌肉骨骼问题或来自其他区域的放射痛引起。

34. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)

Description: Kidney deficiency (Yin) refers to a traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis indicating a lack of cooling and moistening energy in the kidneys.
说明: 肾虚(阴虚)是中医诊断的一种,表示肾脏缺乏冷却和滋润的能量。

35. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)

Description: Repeated for emphasis, highlighting the importance of addressing kidney Yin deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine.
说明: 重复提及,强调在中医中处理肾阴虚的重要性。

36. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)

Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the critical role of kidney Yin in maintaining balance in traditional Chinese medicine.
说明: 重复提及,反映肾阴在维持中医平衡中的关键作用。

37. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)

Description: Repeated for emphasis, underscoring the significance of kidney Yin deficiency in diagnosing and treating related health issues.
说明: 重复提及,强调在诊断和治疗相关健康问题中肾阴虚的重要性。

38. Nocturnal Incontinence

Description: Nocturnal incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine during the night, often affecting children but also adults.
说明: 夜间失禁是夜间不自主的尿液丧失,通常影响儿童,但也可能影响成年人。

39. Swelling: Bloated or Swollen

肿胀: 胀气或肿胀
Description: Swelling or bloating can occur due to fluid retention, inflammation, or other conditions affecting tissues.
说明: 肿胀或胀气可能由于液体潴留、炎症或其他影响组织的状况引起。

40. Rheumatism

Description: Rheumatism refers to various conditions causing pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles.
说明: 风湿病指的是引起关节和肌肉疼痛和僵硬的各种疾病。

41. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)

Description: Repeated for emphasis, indicating the persistent importance of diagnosing and treating kidney Yin deficiency.
说明: 重复提及,表明诊断和治疗肾阴虚的持续重要性。

42. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)

Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the central role of kidney Yin in traditional Chinese medical practice.
说明: 重复提及,反映肾阴在中医实践中的核心作用。

43. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)

Description: Repeated for emphasis, highlighting the need to address kidney Yin deficiency in managing overall health.
说明: 重复提及,强调在整体健康管理中处理肾阴虚的需要。

44. Kidney Deficiency (Yin)

Description: Repeated for emphasis, underscoring the significance of understanding kidney Yin deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine.
说明: 重复提及,强调在中医中理解肾阴虚的重要性。

45. Skin

Description: The skin is the body's largest organ, protecting underlying tissues and organs, and involved in sensation and temperature regulation.
说明: 皮肤是身体最大的器官,保护下方组织和器官,并参与感觉和温度调节。

46. Windpipe: Trachea

气管: 气管
Description: The trachea is the tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi, allowing air to pass to the lungs.
说明: 气管是连接喉部和支气管的管道,使空气能够通过到达肺部。

47. Windpipe: Trachea

气管: 气管
Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the essential role of the trachea in the respiratory system.
说明: 重复提及,反映气管在呼吸系统中的重要作用。

48. Hypertension: High Blood Pressure

高血压: 高血压
Description: Hypertension is a condition characterized by consistently high blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases.
说明: 高血压是一种以血压持续偏高为特征的疾病,可能导致心血管疾病。

49. Hypotension: Low Blood Pressure

低血压: 低血压
Description: Hypotension is a condition where blood pressure is abnormally low, potentially causing dizziness or fainting.
说明: 低血压是一种血压异常低的状况,可能导致头晕或晕厥。

50. Enteric Fever: Typhoid Fever (Intestinal Disease)

肠热病: 伤寒(肠道疾病)
Description: Enteric fever, or typhoid fever, is a bacterial infection of the intestines causing prolonged fever, abdominal pain, and other symptoms.
说明: 肠热病或伤寒是一种肠道细菌感染,导致持续发热、腹痛和其他症状。

51. Inflamed Intestine: Enteritis

肠炎: 肠炎
Description: Enteritis is inflammation of the intestines, often causing symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea.
说明: 肠炎是肠道的炎症,通常引起腹泻、腹痛和恶心等症状。

52. Flu

Description: The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses, characterized by fever, cough, and body aches.
说明: 流感是一种由流感病毒引起的传染性呼吸系统疾病,特征为发热、咳嗽和全身酸痛。

53. Asthma

Description: Repeated for emphasis, indicating the chronic nature of asthma and its impact on respiratory health.
说明: 重复提及,表明哮喘的慢性特征及其对呼吸健康的影响。

54. Right Brain Arteries: Right Cerebral Arteries

右脑动脉: 右脑动脉
Description: The right cerebral arteries supply blood to the right side of the brain, essential for brain function.
说明: 右脑动脉为大脑右侧供应血液,对大脑功能至关重要。

55. Right Brain Arteries: Right Cerebral Arteries

右脑动脉: 右脑动脉
Description: Repeated for emphasis, highlighting the critical role of the right cerebral arteries in brain health.
说明: 重复提及,强调右脑动脉在大脑健康中的关键作用。

56. Right Brain Arteries: Right Cerebral Arteries

右脑动脉: 右脑动脉
Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the importance of the right cerebral arteries in maintaining cerebral circulation.
说明: 重复提及,反映右脑动脉在维持脑部血液循环中的重要性。

57. Right Brain Arteries: Right Cerebral Arteries

右脑动脉: 右脑动脉
Description: Repeated for emphasis, underscoring the need for attention to the right cerebral arteries in neurological health.
说明: 重复提及,强调在神经健康中关注右脑动脉的必要性。

58. Right Ear

Description: The right ear is responsible for hearing and balance on the right side of the body.
说明: 右耳负责右侧身体的听觉和平衡。

59. Hypotension: Low Blood Pressure

低血压: 低血压
Description: Repeated for emphasis, highlighting the importance of monitoring and managing low blood pressure.
说明: 重复提及,强调监测和管理低血压的重要性。

60. Hypertension: High Blood Pressure

高血压: 高血压
Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the critical need to manage high blood pressure to prevent related health issues.
说明: 重复提及,反映管理高血压以预防相关健康问题的关键需求。

61. Left Ear

Description: The left ear is responsible for hearing and balance on the left side of the body.
说明: 左耳负责左侧身体的听觉和平衡。

62. Left Brain Arteries: Left Cerebral Arteries

左脑动脉: 左脑动脉
Description: The left cerebral arteries supply blood to the left side of the brain, crucial for brain function.
说明: 左脑动脉为大脑左侧供应血液,对大脑功能至关重要。

63. Left Brain Arteries: Left Cerebral Arteries

左脑动脉: 左脑动脉
Description: Repeated for emphasis, indicating the importance of the left cerebral arteries in brain health.
说明: 重复提及,表明左脑动脉在大脑健康中的重要性。

64. Left Brain Arteries: Left Cerebral Arteries

左脑动脉: 左脑动脉
Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the essential role of the left cerebral arteries in cerebral circulation.
说明: 重复提及,反映左脑动脉在脑部血液循环中的关键作用。

65. Left Brain Arteries: Left Cerebral Arteries

左脑动脉: 左脑动脉
Description: Repeated for emphasis, underscoring the need to monitor and maintain the health of the left cerebral arteries.
说明: 重复提及,强调监测和维持左脑动脉健康的必要性。

66. Cough & Respiratory Distress: Pharynx

咳嗽及呼吸困难: 咽部
Description: The pharynx is involved in both breathing and swallowing, and issues here can cause cough and respiratory distress.
说明: 咽部涉及呼吸和吞咽,相关问题可能导致咳嗽和呼吸困难。

67. Gullet: Esophagus

食管: 食管
Description: The esophagus is the tube that connects the throat to the stomach, allowing food and liquids to pass.
说明: 食管是连接喉部和胃的管道,允许食物和液体通过。

68. Cholesterol

Description: Cholesterol is a fatty substance in the blood that can affect heart health, with high levels potentially leading to cardiovascular diseases.
说明: 胆固醇是血液中的脂肪物质,会影响心脏健康,高水平可能导致心血管疾病。

69. Left Lung

Description: The left lung, along with the right lung, is responsible for oxygenating blood and removing carbon dioxide.
说明: 左肺与右肺一起负责给血液提供氧气并去除二氧化碳。

70. Liver

Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the vital role of the liver in metabolic processes and detoxification.
说明: 重复提及,反映肝脏在新陈代谢和解毒过程中的重要作用。

71. Gallstone

Description: Gallstones are solid particles that form in the gallbladder and can cause pain, nausea, and digestive issues.
说明: 胆结石是形成在胆囊中的固体颗粒,可能引起疼痛、恶心和消化问题。

72. Left Shoulder: Left Scapula

左肩: 左肩胛骨
Description: Pain or issues in the left shoulder or scapula can arise from musculoskeletal problems or referred pain from other regions.
说明: 左肩或肩胛骨的疼痛可能由肌肉骨骼问题或来自其他区域的放射痛引起。

73. Gall Bladder

Description: The gall bladder stores bile produced by the liver and releases it into the small intestine to aid in digestion.
说明: 胆囊储存肝脏产生的胆汁,并将其释放到小肠中以帮助消化。

74. Lymph: White Blood Cells Fluid

淋巴: 白细胞液体
Description: Lymph is a fluid containing white blood cells that helps in the immune response and removal of waste from tissues.
说明: 淋巴是含有白细胞的液体,有助于免疫反应和清除组织中的废物。

75. Breast Tumor

Description: A breast tumor is an abnormal growth in the breast tissue that can be benign or malignant.
说明: 乳腺肿瘤是乳腺组织中的异常生长,可能是良性的或恶性的。

76. Cough & Respiratory Distress: Pharynx

咳嗽及呼吸困难: 咽部
Description: Repeated for emphasis, indicating that issues in the pharynx can lead to cough and respiratory distress.
说明: 重复提及,表明咽部的问题可能导致咳嗽和呼吸困难。

77. Cough & Respiratory Distress: Pharynx

咳嗽及呼吸困难: 咽部
Description: Repeated for emphasis, reflecting the importance of pharyngeal health in preventing cough and respiratory distress.
说明: 重复提及,反映咽部健康在预防咳嗽和呼吸困难中的重要性。

78. Cough & Respiratory Distress: Pharynx

咳嗽及呼吸困难: 咽部
Description: Repeated for emphasis, underscoring the need to address pharyngeal issues to manage cough and respiratory distress.
说明: 重复提及,强调处理咽部问题以管理咳嗽和呼吸困难的必要性。

79. Thyroid Gland: Part of Endocrine System

甲状腺: 内分泌系统的一部分
Description: The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development.
说明: 甲状腺产生调节新陈代谢、成长和发育的激素。

80. Insomnia

Description: Insomnia is a condition characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, affecting overall health and well-being.
说明: 失眠是一种难以入睡或保持睡眠的状况,影响整体健康和福祉。

81. Fatigue

Description: Fatigue is a state of extreme tiredness and lack of energy, often resulting from physical or mental exertion.
说明: 疲劳是极度疲倦和缺乏精力的状态,通常由于身体或精神上的过度劳累。

82. Bronchitis


Description: Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs. It can be acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a viral infection and lasts a few weeks, presenting symptoms like cough, mucus production, and chest discomfort. Chronic bronchitis, often linked to smoking, is a long-term condition characterized by persistent cough and mucus production, lasting for months or years. Effective management includes avoiding irritants, staying hydrated, and using medications to ease symptoms and inflammation.
说明: 支气管炎是支气管的炎症,支气管是将空气输送到肺部并从肺部带回的通道。支气管炎可以是急性或慢性。急性支气管炎通常由病毒感染引起,持续几周,表现为咳嗽、黏液分泌和胸部不适。慢性支气管炎通常与吸烟相关,是一种长期状况,特征为持续的咳嗽和黏液分泌,持续几个月或几年。有效管理包括避免刺激物、保持水分和使用药物来缓解症状和炎症。

27 Aug 2024